About Us

Black Contemporary Television is on a mission to lead the digital Black revolution against the degradation of our culture in today's mainstream media. Reports that are dominated by crime, poverty, and welfare in reference to our Black community is the leading cause of our global devaluation; and, in some cases, the way we see ourselves. This is an insult to a demographic of people that have been instrumental in establishing the greatness of this country. Black consumers are spending over 1.5 trillion retail dollars annually in the U.S. which positions them as the 12 largest economy in the world.
The CEO of Chrysler once said , " African Americans may not be our primary targeted market but without them Chrysler would not have the economic stability and prosperity it enjoys today". There are an abundance of companies around the globe that depend on Black spending power to survive and prosper. In Dallas/ Ft. Worth alone, Black consumers are spending 3.9 Billion dollars in retail.
We are putting the true value of our brilliant international Black culture out to be considered when media planning or buying. Be a part of the new and exciting access to our vibrant Black culture because, "It's About Us and It's About Time."
If you have a product or service then this is the place to promote it. Our media kit complete with price list is located on the Media Kit page of this site. We want to showcase the positive aspect our culture through our social and economic platforms.
We invite advertisers to support our news reports as a portal to for their products and services to reach the Black consumer.
Our awarenes campaign is anchored by over 200 promotional spots per month on television, extensive social media campaigns headed up by Focus Communications and Miriam Glover Marketing. We have invited popular Black internet radio personalities and Black newspapers to come on board to support our development.
Black reports on the excellent values of our brilliant Black culture have been the mainstay of our programming line up along with the unihibeted movies and situation drams produced by our incredible Black Producers and Directors that can't get an audience with the mainstream distributors. This is the attraction for our viewing traffic, but we contend that the coming of our newscast will soon eclipse the landscape of black media and excellerate our most important aspects of our people.
Contact us online(dale@bctv.tv) here or on this website and if you have a story, feed back or if you have any suggestions on how we can improve our mission.